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2017-09-16 03:00
/ Reuters,台中二胎 SEOUL and TOKYO
台中二胎North Korea yesterday fired a missile that flew over Japan’s northern Hokkaido island far out into the Pacific Ocean, South台中二胎 Korean and Japanese officials said.
The missile flew over Japan and landed in the Pacific about 2,000km east of Hokkaido, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters.
It reached an altitude of about 770km and flew for about 19 minutes over a distance of about 3,700km, South Korea’s military said.
“The range of this test was significant since North Korea demonstrated that it could reach Guam with this missile,” the Union of Concerned Scientists said in a statement.
However, it said the accuracy of the missile was low, so it would be difficult to destroy the US Andersen Air Force Base on Guam.
Warning announcements blared at about 7am in parts of northern Japan, while many residents received alerts on their mobile phon台中二胎es or saw warnings on television telling them to seek refuge.
US Secretary of Defense Jam台中二胎es Mattis said the launch “put millions of Japanese into duck and cover,” although residents of northern Japan appeared calm and went about their business as usual.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in ordered officials to analyze and prepare for possible new North Korean threats, including electromagnetic pulse and biochemic台中二胎al attacks, a spokesman said.
台中二胎The UN Security Council was to meet at 3pm yesterday in the US at the request of the US and Jap台中二胎an, diplomats said.
South Korea said it had fired a missile test into the sea to coincide with North Korea’s launch and the presidential Blue House has called a National Security Council meeting. Japan also convened a National Security Council meeting.
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affa台中二胎irs spokeswomen Hua Chunying (華春瑩) denied that China held the key to easing tension on the Korean Peninsula and said that duty lies with the parties directly involved.
“Any attempt to wash their hands of the issue is irresponsible and unhelpful for its resolution,” she said, reiterating China’s position that sanctions are only effective if paired with talks.
台中二胎新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES台中二胎